Oct 2, 2009

Guiding Light Mailbox

If you ever lost in the dark while looking for your friend’s house, you will definitely give a thumb up to this invention, “Guiding Light” mailbox. What is so special about this product? This is a solar powered base mailbox that gives an illuminated number from as far as 100m distance.
Imagine your mailbox now could illuminate your house number in the dark, you can be sure no one will drive past your house and visitors could easily spot your house from far in the moonless night.

You just need to mount it on top of your standard USPS mailbox with a simple saddle made from heavy duty plastic and it has tested to withstand days under hot sun or storm rain. With just 4 hours of solar charging, it will keep your house number lit for 4 days continuously. So don’t need to worry whether the solar panel might not work in cloudy day. This Guiding Light mailbox from Sharpe Products, Inc is available from now on with a retail price of $79.99, which includes shipping and handling cost.

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